Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Wood you believe it?

Stella has moved on from playing with cans, but plastic bottles are still a favourite.  She'll even put her ball down, pick the bottle up, put the bottle down and then pick up her ball again.  She just can't resist.

Her new toy of choice is wood. 'Sticks?', you ask?  No. I mean wood.

It started with a large stick when we walked through the woods.  It was so big that she took about 20 feet of walking, dropping it every 2 feet and smashing my legs in when she picked it up, to finally get the balance right and be able to carry it without having her head on permanent tilt. Another 10 feet of walking and the penny finally dropped in her tiny doggy mind.  People with smashed in knees tend not to walk very fast and lag behind.  Stella stopped walking and turned her head to see where I was...and in doing so poked herself in the side with the end of the big stick!! Priceless :)

A couple of days later she found a branch.  That's right, branch, definitely not stick.  Inch and half wide one end.... 4 feet wide at the other.  She loved her branch and did her best to drag it home before the effort of walking sideways started to become too much like hard work.  Stella doesn't 'do' hard work!

Two days ago we walked over to the field where she plays with her ball.  (When I say 'field', I'm using artistic licence).  Stella was offlead but we didn't have her ball with us, so other entertainment was required.  She spotted something in the long grass...bounced across like a spring lamb...and came back with a 6 foot fence post.

I have put an order in for fence panels.

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