Demon is ill with a very high temperature, so Stella hasn't had a lot of time out of the house due to me being Dr Kildare for a couple of days. Yesterday she took to throwing her leather football around the living room and shouting at me to play. The headache kicked in faster than the message to stop shouting, but perhaps she couldn't hear me over all the noise...
The ball went flying and landed next to Demon's school bag. Now I should describe the bag. It's pink (gross child likes pink) and has a black and white photo on the side of it of a cat. Wearing a tiara. As you do. The cat in the picture was not only wearing a tiara, it was upside down.
So the ball landed next to the 'cat'...and Stella froze in anticipation...
It took a few seconds of playing statues for Stella to look at me. Then bark at the throw the ball back.
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