Friday, 2 December 2011

All singing all dancing.....

Yesterday was eventful.  As Stella had been manic the day before I decided not to walk her in the morning to give her a rest.  I put her plastic cone collar on ready to go out to work at which point she sat in front of the door and refused to move.  So we did go for a walk after all...

When we got outside  Stella decided she was Scooby Doo and started prancing down the street on her hind legs.  Not good with fresh stitches I thought to myself.  She danced round and round me like I was a maypole, so we turned round and came back very quickly.  But I guess that's the problem when she's wearing a bucket on her head the size of a satellite dish - she was picking up the cartoon channels!!!  And the moral of the story is...if you take your German Shepherd out looking stupid, the payback is a bitch!!!

Last night was her first post-op check up.  Vet practise door headbutted open? Check!  Stockroom investigated? Check! Mum and her seat dragged across the floor to greet another dog? Check!  Start a singsong? Check! Altogether now, the WooWoo song.....goes a little like this....

Stella be quiet.
Stella! Shhhhhhhh!

But hark! What is this?  Why, it's the cat's chorus!  Large ginger cat in a carrier started the chorus, and Stella was at risk of whiplash from the headtilts.  Then the cat decided it didn't want to sing on it's own anymore.  Stella did what Sheps do best...nudged the carrier to make it start again.  No success.  So, having picked up Bolt on her satellite dish earlier did the power bark.  Biiiiiiiiiiiiiig breath in... and.... WOOF!

Nothing. Nada. Zilch.  Nowt but a very disappointed doggy.... listen up folks, power barks really don't work!

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