Thursday 5 July 2012

Dead legged by a dead head...

The other day I took Stella to the woods.  She loved it.  Then she disappeared.  I knew she hadn't gone far, because her ball was sat in the middle of the path.  And then I spotted it.

The eye.  The eye was peeking from behind the tree.
"I can seeee yoouuuu...."
The eye disappeared.
"Where's Stella?"
The eye reappeared.

When I said to Stella we could go out to play, I didn't realise she knew what Hide and Seek was...

Then we got to the field.  She ran round. She chased Demon. She lost the ball and we ended up spending half an hour walking every inch of the field until she found it. Green balls splashed with mud hide pretty damn well in GSD-high grass, take it from me.

I wasn't bothered about the walking until I was dead legged by Stella.

Stella knows many words now. Sit, wait, stay, leave, down, dinner, breakfast, treat, keys, splashy (her word for being allowed into the water when we're out). "Get out of the water" appear not to be on the list. Neither is 'veer' 'avoid' or any other word that means she doesn't crash into me when running.

The years are passing...

Demon had her induction day at school today, so she's spent the day as a Year 6 pupil.  In the car she was wittering non-stop about it.  Ten solid minutes of blah blah blah Year 6 blah blah blah.

Me:             <giggle>
Demon:      Why are you laughing?
Me:            I know you're excited because you haven't shut up all morning!
Demon:       I haven't shut up since year 4! ...............Why are you laughing now?

Floored :D

Friday 22 June 2012

Honey I got you a present!

Recently I have been discussing money a lot, well, the lack of money to be precise.  The recession is causing a lot of people to look for alternative ways to subsidise their income. Tickles has obviously been earwigging.

Last week, I had a major battle for survival on my hands. Armed with nothing more than a plastic jug and a flute music book...yes, that's right, a flute music book.  My mistake was asking Demon for help and saying "get me a piece of card..." and adding "...or something".  I got the 'something'.  When I asked why she'd given me that, she replied, "well it's made from card isn't it?!"  Correct, the paperback version is indeed made from card...sigh...

So, armed with a plastic jug and a flute music book, and using my elbows to fend off Tatwo and Tickles, I managed to rescue a very dazed, very angry and very soggy.....honeybee....

At first I thought the bee was soggy because of the rain.  And then it dawned on me.  Tickles had actually brought the bee carrying it in his mouth.  A dangerous act carried out in an attempt to provide his family with their first step in self-sufficiency through bee-keeping?

Or has he got confused about the buzzing from my electric toothbrush?

Thursday 31 May 2012

Doctor's orders....

I've had a lot to deal with over the years, but the past year has been particularly stressful one way or another.  As a result I felt a bit poorly at work yesterday, and this morning took myself off to see the doctor.

It's pot luck who you get, sometimes you get Dr Nice, mostly I avoid Dr Useless, unless I know exactly what I need so I can tell her what she needs to write down.  I refuse all appointments with Dr How? (as in How Did He Become A Doctor?).

Today I got one of my favourite doctors, which makes a pleasant change.

He explained that I have hit my stress levels and that caused the funny turn at work yesterday.  As well as a two week sick note I have orders to take as much exercise as possible.

Me: I walk my dog twice a day
Dr: It needs to be fast walking
Me: She's a German Shepherd....
Dr: In that case, you need to keep up with her!

I get on really well with Dr Sarcastic! :D

Sunday 27 May 2012

Water fool...

Stella has spent most of this week being walked near water.  A couple of days ago we bumped into a black lab dog who's a bit of a ladies man (well he likes to think so) who most bitches get a bit fed up of.  He's a little boisterous with his amorous intentions.  Stella's a little vocal in her rebuff.  I was a bit gobsmacked when they played very well together and thought it might be a lovely walk with a playmate...

I think Stella is psychic.  Beau had been bathed and brushed ready for going on holiday the next day.  He wasn't allowed to get dirty.  Stella made sure he went in the muddy brook....

With an air of resignation usually reserved for me, Beau's owner decided to let him play in the water in the flood plain, and even found a stick to throw in for them.  Stella's not as daft as she makes out, and ran along the bank to get closer to the stick before leaping in.  By the time Beau got to where the stick was, Stella was on the side with a stick barking for it to be thrown back in.  Just as Beau's dad got to the stick, Stella decided to shake the water off her...

I tried so hard not to laugh my cheeks ached :D

Yesterday, I spent ages blowing up a paddling pool, which Stella went nuts in when it was in the living room.  "Fantastic, she's going to love this" I thought.  I put it outside. I spent a lot of time walking to and fro with only one small bucket to fill it.  I filled it. I called Stella.  Stella came out. Stella looked at the paddling pool. Stella turned tail and ran inside with a look of fear on her face.  Nothing, but nothing, could persuade her to get into it.  Maybe the water's too clean......

Today, Demon had an activity day with the Brownies, so as I dropped her off near a park, I thought I'd take Stella for a new walk.  Stella loved it. Stella could smell the river, which at this point is little more than a stream, but down a steep bank which is covered in vegetation. Ha! No wet car for me!  Off she went ahead, and round a which point I started panicking and called her back. No doggy....and then I heard the noise that all dog owners dread, the noise that puts the fear of god into you...


Yes, Stella had found the only access to the river...which, as it was down a steep bank, meant she picked up a fair old pace.  I suspect the ducks may have been surprised by the Tsunami that reached them....

Saturday 26 May 2012

I'm back!

Due to having an operation and generally being busier than a busy thing in busy land, I have neglected my blog of late.  But fear not!  Things are back to normal now!

Well, when I say normal it's quite possibly an ever so slightly different definition to the one found in any dictionary...anywhere....

Stella is back to her usual walks, and is behaving like a puppy again.  Well, more like an adolescent, won't listen to a word I say or do as she's told.  Recently, she found a stick.  She was told to leave the stick alone. Would she listen?  Obviously not, this is Stella after all...

Stella: Mum! Mum! I've found a stick!
ME: Leave it alone.
Stella: But Mum!
ME: Leave it alone!!
Stella:  But. Ow. Mum. Ow. I. Ow. Want. Ow. To. Ow. Play. Ow. With. Ow. It. Ow!

The 'stick' was in fact the remainder of a rose bush.  That's right, complete with thorns.  There was a bit of root left on it, which she used for a while to drag it along, but then she couldn't resist...she chewed it off.  Then she used the round part of the root...until she chewed that off too.  This being the dog who won't eat large chews or kibble because it's too difficult with her poorly teeth!  

So that left her with 4 feet of prickly stick to bounce around with.  Stella knows a lot of words now, even 'keys'.  She appears not to know 'leave'!  I had no choice but to use her intelligence to get her to leave the stick behind.

ME: Oooh Stella, what's this over here?
Stella: Oooohhhhhhh what is it Mum? It's mine! MINE! I found it! Where is it? What is it? It's mine!  I can't see anything... 

I think the doggy version of Mensa is quite safe....

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Finders, Keepers...

One year ago yesterday, I went on holiday to Cyprus with my mother and daughter for my cousin's wedding.  I had mixed emotions, as I know first hand what the situation is for strays in Cyprus.

The following day, one year ago today, as we returned from our walk to find a restaurant, Mum remarked how we hadn't seen a cat.  Three minutes later, we were greeting by a tiny tabby kitten, sat on the edge of a pavement beside a busy road, miaowing for attention.  A little tabby and white kitten was following anybody who slowed down.  We stopped, as we are wont to do, to give them some attention.  From behind came an even smaller tabby and white kitten, a little shyer but no less loving.  This was our introduction to Tatwo, Tickles and Titch.  We later met TC and Midnight.  TC was the boss of the family, larger, quieter and far more streetwise than the three amigos shouting for love.  Midnight, a dark Tortoishell, was very shy, very quiet and avoided our touch.

Over the next 6 days we made regular trips to feed them.  It soon transpired that their need wasn't for food, it was for love.  Several tourists were feeding them, but none of the rescues would save them.  With the help of June and Michael, a British couple living in Cyprus and rescuing cats and dogs, and a family on holiday in the same apartments as us, we eventually managed to find them somewhere safe to go to.

Tatwo was named after my lovely, and much missed, Tabbatha.  At that time I didn't know if he was male or female, so Tabbatha Two became Tatwo.  Tickles was named after his love of tummy tickles.  Titch was named because, quite simply, he was the smallest.  TC was the Top Cat, the boss of the family, who made them hide, moved their hiding place and generally kept them as safe as he could.  Midnight, so very dark, was named by my daughter. 

They all had dirty bottoms caused by over-rich diet and milk; they were grubby, needy and so very small.

Summer, my gorgeous Tortoishell and white girl, is a month older, shy at first but firmly established as a mummy's girl, was at the rescue when the Party of 5 went to the sanctuary.  She attached herself to them and became very close to them. When my 17 year old Tinker went to Rainbow Bridge, I made the decision to bring them to the UK.  

We found them.  We've kept them.

If you can help the other cats still in need of homes, please make a donation via their Amazon wishlist or visit their website here... 


Buzz off!

Today I went shopping, and that meant coming home was via the back gate.  As I looked over the gate, three little fluffy heads whipped round to look at me.  All three of them stood stock still.  All three had a very guilty look on their faces...

My heart sank as I realised there was something on the ground that caught their attention; three fluffy heads soon looked away to watch whatever was on the ground moving around.  As one paw started tapping the unseen victim, I looked for another baby bird.  No sign.

I realised it was fly shaped and ignored them.  I carried on fetching the shopping in, and suddenly panicked....

As I charged down the garden path three loonies were flipping, jumping and crashing around like electric eels on acid.

Does anyone know if cats are allergic to bee stings?

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Infinity is a long time...

Why are bottles of water being dragged across the floor? Why are the cats playing with straws when they have toys? Who is moving the cardboard boxes in the hall when I'm in the living room, Demon is in bed and Stella's on the sofa?  Taaaaaatwooooooooooooooo.......................!!!!!!!!!

On the plus side.....Stella Bella Umberella had to wait til this afternoon for her first walk, I just couldn't get it together after an early start for school run.  I'm not supposed to walk her yet, but she needed to go out and time before school run was about 85% shorter than it's meant to be...oops.  I usually get dragged across the road, round the corner and over to the field.  Today, with much sharp tugs on the halti and begging to 'be good...please!' I managed to get to the field in standard Earth time rather than the normal warp factor 9 speed with both arms in their sockets and my wound still sewn shut.  Fabtastic....until my mad pooch decided she was going to act her age in months rather than years....

Stella bounced around like My Little Pony, hurling her body into every puddle she could find.  She found a twig to play with and shook it til she got dizzy.  She wanted to chase the birds, but they were too far away and she's not actually that impressed by having to make an effort.  We cut across to the flood plain and that's where it happened.  The event that has her, some hours later, moaning and groaning and generally being grumpy.  I kicked her plastic bottle into the water, she threw herself enthusiastically after it....and did a great big fat belly flop.  

And the cardinal sin of all mums is you never, ever, ever...make your little girl get her face wet.  The glare that was thrown my way will last for infinity...and beyond!!

Feeling restless....

Tonight, Tatwo managed to lie down next to Summer on the sofa beside me without being eaten alive; once they were asleep they rolled over til they were arm in arm...both of them woke up....and all hell let loose as they did their best to beat the living shite out of each other!! 
Following TC catching three fledglings the other day, Titch decided today was his turn to be the hunter.  And so we took a baby bird to the wildlife sanctuary. Titch had caught it and brought it indoors, Demon spotted it quickly and shut the door so he couldn't finish the job. The fledgling ended up in a hamster cage in the pantry....where else, this is my house after all....   It spent most of the day shouting at me to be fed until I could take it to the sanctuary.

Woman: Oh we've got another one of these the same age.
Me: ....erm....yeah....we brought that one in too...last week?
Woman: Yes...are there any more?
Me: I bloody hope not!

On Saturday, I was allowed to have my first bath after my operation.  Bliss. I was looking forward to it.  Tickles decided to help me with the relaxation process.  First of all he did his utmost to create a jacuzzi, but one paw in a deep bathful of water doesn't have much effect.  And so he went off and sat on the sink.  Soon I was entertained by the drumming of his paw on the wall trying to pull the cord for the light.  Another 1/2 lb psi and I'd have been treated to a light show extravaganza.  Tatwo did his little bit for saving electrickery and shredded a leaflet that had fallen out of my magazine, so no need for the shredder anymore, he has a new vocation. 
It would appear that not only do I need eyes in the back of my head, I need 8 arms and 3 laps.... I'm moving out...