Saturday, 26 May 2012

I'm back!

Due to having an operation and generally being busier than a busy thing in busy land, I have neglected my blog of late.  But fear not!  Things are back to normal now!

Well, when I say normal it's quite possibly an ever so slightly different definition to the one found in any dictionary...anywhere....

Stella is back to her usual walks, and is behaving like a puppy again.  Well, more like an adolescent, won't listen to a word I say or do as she's told.  Recently, she found a stick.  She was told to leave the stick alone. Would she listen?  Obviously not, this is Stella after all...

Stella: Mum! Mum! I've found a stick!
ME: Leave it alone.
Stella: But Mum!
ME: Leave it alone!!
Stella:  But. Ow. Mum. Ow. I. Ow. Want. Ow. To. Ow. Play. Ow. With. Ow. It. Ow!

The 'stick' was in fact the remainder of a rose bush.  That's right, complete with thorns.  There was a bit of root left on it, which she used for a while to drag it along, but then she couldn't resist...she chewed it off.  Then she used the round part of the root...until she chewed that off too.  This being the dog who won't eat large chews or kibble because it's too difficult with her poorly teeth!  

So that left her with 4 feet of prickly stick to bounce around with.  Stella knows a lot of words now, even 'keys'.  She appears not to know 'leave'!  I had no choice but to use her intelligence to get her to leave the stick behind.

ME: Oooh Stella, what's this over here?
Stella: Oooohhhhhhh what is it Mum? It's mine! MINE! I found it! Where is it? What is it? It's mine!  I can't see anything... 

I think the doggy version of Mensa is quite safe....

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