Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Feeling restless....

Tonight, Tatwo managed to lie down next to Summer on the sofa beside me without being eaten alive; once they were asleep they rolled over til they were arm in arm...both of them woke up....and all hell let loose as they did their best to beat the living shite out of each other!! 
Following TC catching three fledglings the other day, Titch decided today was his turn to be the hunter.  And so we took a baby bird to the wildlife sanctuary. Titch had caught it and brought it indoors, Demon spotted it quickly and shut the door so he couldn't finish the job. The fledgling ended up in a hamster cage in the pantry....where else, this is my house after all....   It spent most of the day shouting at me to be fed until I could take it to the sanctuary.

Woman: Oh we've got another one of these the same age.
Me: ....erm....yeah....we brought that one in too...last week?
Woman: Yes...are there any more?
Me: I bloody hope not!

On Saturday, I was allowed to have my first bath after my operation.  Bliss. I was looking forward to it.  Tickles decided to help me with the relaxation process.  First of all he did his utmost to create a jacuzzi, but one paw in a deep bathful of water doesn't have much effect.  And so he went off and sat on the sink.  Soon I was entertained by the drumming of his paw on the wall trying to pull the cord for the light.  Another 1/2 lb psi and I'd have been treated to a light show extravaganza.  Tatwo did his little bit for saving electrickery and shredded a leaflet that had fallen out of my magazine, so no need for the shredder anymore, he has a new vocation. 
It would appear that not only do I need eyes in the back of my head, I need 8 arms and 3 laps.... I'm moving out...

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