Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Infinity is a long time...

Why are bottles of water being dragged across the floor? Why are the cats playing with straws when they have toys? Who is moving the cardboard boxes in the hall when I'm in the living room, Demon is in bed and Stella's on the sofa?  Taaaaaatwooooooooooooooo.......................!!!!!!!!!

On the plus side.....Stella Bella Umberella had to wait til this afternoon for her first walk, I just couldn't get it together after an early start for school run.  I'm not supposed to walk her yet, but she needed to go out and time before school run was about 85% shorter than it's meant to be...oops.  I usually get dragged across the road, round the corner and over to the field.  Today, with much sharp tugs on the halti and begging to 'be good...please!' I managed to get to the field in standard Earth time rather than the normal warp factor 9 speed with both arms in their sockets and my wound still sewn shut.  Fabtastic....until my mad pooch decided she was going to act her age in months rather than years....

Stella bounced around like My Little Pony, hurling her body into every puddle she could find.  She found a twig to play with and shook it til she got dizzy.  She wanted to chase the birds, but they were too far away and she's not actually that impressed by having to make an effort.  We cut across to the flood plain and that's where it happened.  The event that has her, some hours later, moaning and groaning and generally being grumpy.  I kicked her plastic bottle into the water, she threw herself enthusiastically after it....and did a great big fat belly flop.  

And the cardinal sin of all mums is you never, ever, ever...make your little girl get her face wet.  The glare that was thrown my way will last for infinity...and beyond!!

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