Doggy version
We went to the jungle today! I had to protect the VIP (Very Important Poochlover). I managed to get her past the lake where pirates live, they're dodgy they are. I doubled back just to recheck but then I heard mum scream for her life...I ran around to check behind trees and leaves because there is danger EVERYWHERE!!! I went round to one blind spot to check it, then as I came back I was attacked by ninjas!! Wherever I looked there were blades of steel trying to slice my face off, but I fought back and saw them off! I jumped from cliff to cliff checking for ninjas. And then we made it to the helipad to wait for the incoming rescue mission and I made radio contact to inform them of our arrival....
Human version
We went to the woods today. Stella was desperate to get into the stagnant pond so she was kept onlead until we were well past it, but as soon as she was offlead headed back. It took a lot of shouting to keep her out of it! She jumped around like a lunatic, over dry ditches, behind trees, before coming face first into a holly bush! She shook her head around and was quite surprised to find she would have to reverse to get out of it! Then we got to the field where she hooned around like a lunatic barking her head off.
And you wonder why the Police have such a hard time with eye witness accounts???