Thursday, 5 July 2012

Dead legged by a dead head...

The other day I took Stella to the woods.  She loved it.  Then she disappeared.  I knew she hadn't gone far, because her ball was sat in the middle of the path.  And then I spotted it.

The eye.  The eye was peeking from behind the tree.
"I can seeee yoouuuu...."
The eye disappeared.
"Where's Stella?"
The eye reappeared.

When I said to Stella we could go out to play, I didn't realise she knew what Hide and Seek was...

Then we got to the field.  She ran round. She chased Demon. She lost the ball and we ended up spending half an hour walking every inch of the field until she found it. Green balls splashed with mud hide pretty damn well in GSD-high grass, take it from me.

I wasn't bothered about the walking until I was dead legged by Stella.

Stella knows many words now. Sit, wait, stay, leave, down, dinner, breakfast, treat, keys, splashy (her word for being allowed into the water when we're out). "Get out of the water" appear not to be on the list. Neither is 'veer' 'avoid' or any other word that means she doesn't crash into me when running.

The years are passing...

Demon had her induction day at school today, so she's spent the day as a Year 6 pupil.  In the car she was wittering non-stop about it.  Ten solid minutes of blah blah blah Year 6 blah blah blah.

Me:             <giggle>
Demon:      Why are you laughing?
Me:            I know you're excited because you haven't shut up all morning!
Demon:       I haven't shut up since year 4! ...............Why are you laughing now?

Floored :D